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We are currently broadcasting 2422 amazing clips!
Posted in Life On Earth
This was recorded by a diver near Sulawesi, Indonesia. Incredible, and almost hypnotic to watch!
Posted in Astronomy
Valerie Taylor, through persistence and patience, has managed to befriend what is commonly thought of as a very dangerous, vicious and bad-tempered animal.
Posted in Physics & Chemistry
Bardarbunga, the volcano which began erupting in Iceland recently, has been the subject of close scientific scrutiny. Check out what they caught on thermal camera!
Posted in Astronomy
You're probably used to the Heliocentric Model of the solar system, where all the planets orbit Sol in a flat plane. But in truth, Sol itself is orbiting the Milky Way, and this gives you a glimpse into how that looks as the sun moves.
Posted in Life On Earth
A short excerpt from BBC's "Life In The Undergrowth", this explains how wasps got into the behavior of building pulp hives.
Posted in Life On Earth
Have you ever wondered what it's like to be on a ship in rough seas? This should give you some idea of what it's like. Definitely not for the faint of heart!
Posted in Astronomy
A mysterious X-ray signal from the Perseus cluster of galaxies, which researchers say cannot be explained by known physics, could be a key clue to the nature of Dark Matter.
Posted in Life On Earth
On August 29th, in Papua, Mt. Tavurvur erupted violently - and was caught on tape at the very moment it happened!
Most Viewed
1. Drive-By X-Ray Van
1. Drive-By X-Ray Van

(The Z Backscatter Van (ZBV) is a scanning system built into a commercially available van that allows an operator to view the contents of vehicles, containers and persons along its path or passing by the van.)
Hits: 14045
Category: Tech & Gadgets
2. Dara O Briain Explains Weightlessness
2. Dara O Briain Explains Weightlessness

(Why are astronauts weightless in space when the moon is held by Earth's gravity? An explanation and demonstration of just how microgravity works in orbit.)
Hits: 12507
Category: Physics & Chemistry
3. Kilauea Lava Flows
3. Kilauea Lava Flows

(A noble GoPro was sacrificed to get this footage, but it was worth it!)
Hits: 12418
Category: Earth Sciences
4. Avalanche Hits Everest Basecamp (April 25 2015)
4. Avalanche Hits Everest Basecamp (April 25 2015)

(This chilling raw video, filmed by Jost Kobusch, shows the horrifying speed and power of an avalanche striking Mt. Everest Basecamp (25.04.2015) following a Magnitude 7.8 earthquake. *Contains adult language*.)
Hits: 12197
Category: Earth Sciences
5. The Big, Bad and Beautiful Universe Seen by Chandra
5. The Big, Bad and Beautiful Universe Seen by Chandra

(In fifteen years of operation, the Chandra X-ray Observatory has given us a view of the universe that is largely hidden from telescopes sensitive only to visible light.)
Hits: 12141
Category: Astronomy
6. Liquifaction Caught On Video
6. Liquifaction Caught On Video

(During an earthquake, when water trapped in the earth is sloshed around, the solids sink, forcing the displaced liquid to the surface. Here it is, caught in action!)
Hits: 11967
Category: Earth Sciences
7. Human Copulation MRI
7. Human Copulation MRI

(First released video footage of Dr. Pek van Andel's study 'Magnetic resonance imaging of male and female genitals during coitus and female sexual arousal'.)
Hits: 10970
Category: Biology & Medicine
8. Aid vs Trade
8. Aid vs Trade

(Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the former Finance Minister of Nigeria talks about a better way to help the continent of Africa.)
Hits: 9044
Category: Humanity
9. The Oarfish - Real Life Sea Serpent
9. The Oarfish - Real Life Sea Serpent

(The Oarfish is a very long, bony fish with an appearance similar to that of a dragon. This creature of legend is believed to be the source of many sea serpent tales. This is the first time it has been filmed alive at the surface.)
Hits: 8954
Category: Life On Earth
10. Frilled Shark (English Report)
10. Frilled Shark (English Report)

(This video shows rare footage of a frilled shark in shallow water. The frilled shark (Chlamydoselachus anguineus) is a living fossil and is usually found at depths of around 2,000 feet.)
Hits: 8832
Category: Life On Earth
Top Rated
1. Vampire Squid - Vampyroteuthis Infernalis
1. Vampire Squid - Vampyroteuthis Infernalis

(Vampyroteuthis infernalis, or vampire squid, is a deep ocean squid that has several interesting tactics for offense and defense. It has only been caught once on film. This is that video.)
Category: Life On Earth
2. Frilled Shark (English Report)
2. Frilled Shark (English Report)

(This video shows rare footage of a frilled shark in shallow water. The frilled shark (Chlamydoselachus anguineus) is a living fossil and is usually found at depths of around 2,000 feet.)
Category: Life On Earth
3. Science Saved My Soul
3. Science Saved My Soul

(An amazing video on the perspective of humans in the universe.)
Category: Humanity
4. On Endangered Cultures
4. On Endangered Cultures

(With stunning photos and stories, National Geographic Explorer Wade Davis celebrates the extraordinary diversity of the world's indigenous cultures, which are disappearing from the planet at an alarming rate.)
Category: Humanity
5. High-Resolution Mars Photography
5. High-Resolution Mars Photography

(HiRISE - This video is a compilation of high definition photos taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and released to the public December 2nd, 2009.)
Category: Astronomy

(ATHLETE (All-Terrain Hex-Legged Extra-Terrestrial Explorer) is a large six-legged robotic lunar rover under development by NASA.)
Category: Astronomy
7. The Origin of Life
7. The Origin of Life

(Dr. Susan Fisher of OSU describes the Origin of Life for her Biology 101 course.)
Category: Biology & Medicine
8. The Evolution Of Turtle Shells
8. The Evolution Of Turtle Shells

(This video shows the modifications to the rib structure and formation of several bones in chelonians that make up their distinctive shells.)
Category: Biology & Medicine
9. Lynx Hunts A Rabbit
9. Lynx Hunts A Rabbit

(A slow motion chase between a lynx and a rabbit.)
Category: Life on Earth
10. How To Make UV Reactive Water
10. How To Make UV Reactive Water

(It's easy to make water glow very brightly under a black light. You can use the water as an ingredient in slime, crystals, or other projects to make them glow-in-the-dark.)
Category: Physics & Chemistry